Writers, do your words matter?

Nikkie Jay
6 min readApr 28, 2020
Photo by Fabiola Peñalba on Unsplash

Writers, do your words matter?

How many of you writers get so fed up of people not actually reading your words? I’m not talking about your articles getting readers and making money. I’m talking actually reading your words and attaching the meaning to them that you intended.

I don’t know if it is laziness, stupidity, a dumbing down of society in general or what. But lately, actually for a while now, I have noticed that my words are often misinterpreted. When I write a post on social media, for example, I will get loads of comments that have completely missed the point I was making.

I really do not understand this. I am a writer. I write words in a certain order that depict an explicit meaning, that’s what I do. I do this for a living. I write for my job. I know how to construct sentences. I know how to tell a story. I know how to explain things using my words. Far better in writing than orally I might add. So why do people not understand the words I have written?

Have we really become such a lazy society that we no longer take the time to read, properly read, digest, think and analyse? I worry about a society that cannot comprehend a simple 4-line facebook post. Seriously how can you not understand 4 lines?

Then I look at the comments people make, claiming that words only have meaning…

