Member-only story
Listen up Mum’s
Stop comparing yourself to others, it is just a road that leads to misery. Mums are the worst for this, we really are. There is always someone who is the perfect bloody wife and mother. She’s always so well put together, hair and makeup done… even her clothes are ironed! You know, we’ve all got at least one in our lives.
Her kids are perfect, they get perfect grades, they have perfect manners and are the ones who are always winning the awards at school. She’s probably on the school board of governors, if not the chair. She is involved in all the bake sales because her cakes are always so damn perfect too. And we all want her to fall face-first into that perfect triple chocolate deluxe cake that she obviously never eats herself as she so god damn thin. Am I right? Or are you Polly Perfect and feeling slightly put out at my observations right now.
Oh, and let’s not forget that these perfect kids of hers never have a hair out of place either. You wouldn’t see them coming through the front door looking like they’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards by a hound of hell.
Every morning at the school gate you try to dodge miss Polly Perfect right? As you drag your children still eating their breakfast because they woke up late while trying to get a bobble in your child’s birds nest hair and rubbing chocolate off their cheek that you have a sneaking suspicion has been…