Imaginative or Crazy?

Nikkie Jay
5 min readSep 6, 2019
Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash

I was an odd kid, I didn’t know I was odd, but looking back, I probably would be considered odd. To be fair, I’m probably considered odd now. The difference is, now I am not trying to be normal, now I don’t want to fit in, I’m quite happy being a bit odd.

So why do I say I was odd? Well, for a start I lived inside my head a lot. I created worlds to escape to and crafted them in intricate detail. I had a whole host of imaginary friends and they weren’t just your run of them mill ones. I had princes, princesses, dragons and witches, I had a fairy godmother and I had regular friends too. Basically, I would create who ever I felt like spending a day with and happily go off and play.

Imaginary friends are not really so unusual, lots of children have them. It is also not a sign of a child that is really lonely contrary to popular belief, it is simply a child that needs to fulfil a void. That void could be real friends, or it could be that the kid just wants to fight dragons for a day, so needs a knight as a buddy to help them along. What I am saying is, don’t go calling the shrink on your kid just because they talk to imaginary friends, they are ok, it’s called imagination.

I also used to sing my life. I’m not kidding, I would make up songs and sing everything I was doing. Even when I was walking my dog, I would sing about walking down the road towards the…

