Member-only story
Full Throttle
I have never been a person to do things by half. Good or bad I go full throttle into everything. Sometimes that is just what is needed. Other times, I really should have stopped to think first. I can’t even claim this was a symptom of my youth, for I still do it now that I’m not quite so young. (shhh, I may not be 20, but I’m not old either)
So what have I done this time? Ha, would be quicker to give you a list of the times I didn’t take on the world and drop a few balls while doing it. Hmmm, mixed metaphor there, never mind, I’m going with it.
Actually I do have an example of what I am currently stretching myself far too thin on… ooo if only that was a way to lose excess pounds. Well, actually that is possible. Yoga and Pilates are ways to stretch yourself thin. Hmmm, I’m a genius ha!
Where was I… Oh yes… I remember. Now as you may or may not know, I am currently doing a 30 day challenge. Well, I’m not just doing it, I am running it with help from a couple of very lovely friends. My challenge is to write on every day for 30 days without exception. So even when I was being sick, I still wrote my stuff. Goodness knows if it was any good or not, but I still got great reviews.
I have said yes to being a speaker at a business ‘back to school’ seminar later this month. I have also decided to start a Pilates 11 day challenge during this…